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Amazing Health Benefits of Every Cup of Coffee

People all over the world consume over 2.3 billion cups of coffee every day, according to statistics shared by the International Coffee Organization (ICO). If you’re one of those who feel like coffee has the ability to perk them up in the morning and remedy their blues, they'd understand that it's hard to imagine a day without the magical potion, i.e., coffee!

Several polls conducted by the National Coffee Association (NCA) reveal that more than 65% of people admitted to having drunk a steaming cup of joe in the past 24 hours, while 72% agreed that coffee makes people feel like a ‘better person.’

We have some good news for all coffee-fanatics! Experts have researched the various aspects of this magic bean to conclude that coffee is packed with a number of useful nutrients and active substances that benefit the human body in myriad ways.

Here’s a round-up of the benefits of this bitter, slightly acidic, dark cup of warm hugs that has a stimulating effect on humans.

Top Health Benefits of Coffee Burns Fat

Caffeine is one of the natural substances' known to boost metabolic rate and increase the process of burning fat by over 31% in lean individuals and 8% in people who are obese.

Boosts Memory

A small-scaled study proves coffee’s unsung ability to enhance short-term memory skills. Researchers found that two-three cups of coffee instill a higher brain function and improve the ability to retain information in the short run.

Apart from enhancing cognitive skills, some evidence has proven that coffee keeps our body's nerves active, which in turn keeps illnesses like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and dementia at bay.

Prevents Type 2 Diabetes

A meta-analysis concludes that consuming five to six cups of unsweetened caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee lowers the likelihood of type 2 diabetes and other metabolic syndromes by 12% over the span of few years.

Decreases Mental Fatigue

Feeling exhausted after working long hours at the office or home? Sip a cup of hot, freshly brewed coffee to reduce inflammation, fatigue and get your mental health back on track because coffee can perk your body and make you feel revitalized.

Enhances Heart Health

Consuming coffee in moderation every day promotes optimal cardiovascular health, regulates blood pressure, and lowers heart failure risk by 9%.

Power-Packed with Nutrients

Coffee is the powerhouse of vitamins such as B5, B2, B3, antioxidants, and nutrients, including magnesium, polyphenols, potassium, and helps the body get rid of free radicals.

If you're looking for rich, organic coffee that meets the Biofield standards, a premier research lab in NY, order Premier Research Coffee at Innovative Nutrition. Not only is our coffee perfectly roasted, but we grow and process it in a way that keeps its health-promoting goodness intact.

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